OverDrive App step-by-step

(1). Downloading the Overdrive app

Choose the drop-down arrow for your device:

Kindle Fire, Android, Apple iOS:

Open your device’s app store and search for “Overdrive app”. You will be able to download and install the free app. The Apple Store may require your Apple password in order to download the app. The app should appear on your home screen or in your list of installed apps.

When you open the OverDrive app, please note you will have to click “Sign Up”. Then choose “sign up using your library card.” Next in “Find your library,” type “Eastern Monroe Public Library” into search bar and press “Go”. Select “Eastern Monroe Public Library” which will appear under “Easton Area Public Library”.

Other Kindles:

Log in to your Amazon account on a computer. This requires your Amazon username and password which is separate from your library account.

In the Amazon search bar, type “Overdrive app”. Select “OverDrive: Library eBooks & Audiobooks”. Check that Amazon has chosen the correct device to deliver the app to before you select “Deliver”. It may take several minutes to download and then the app will appear on the home screen of your device. If your device does not have Wi-Fi, you will need to connect it to your computer by a USB cable.

(2). Opening the OverDrive app

Open the app on your device. OverDrive will display “Easton Library District” on the upper-left corner. Select the “Sign in” red box in the upper-right corner, then choose “Eastern Monroe Public Library” from the drop-down list. Enter your 14 digit library card number (no spaces) in the “Card Number” box. Then enter your PIN number in the “PIN” box. Your PIN is the last four digits of your library card, unless you have changed it. Click the “Sign in” red box at the bottom. This will bring you back to the Overdrive homepage.

(3). Searching for an e-book

OverDrive includes three ways to search for e-books. All of them can be found near the top of the page and are outlined in blue here:

Screenshot of three OverDrive search methods

From left to right:

Subjects: lists genres in alphabetical order. The number next to each genre designates how many titles in that specific genre.

Collections: sorts specific titles into three categories: newly added, most popular, and try something different.

Magnifying glass icon: allows you to search the OverDrive collection by keyword, title, or author.

(4). Checking out e-books

Click on an e-book cover to read a summary about the e-book. To check out the e-book select the red “Borrow for 14 days” button. To return to the browsing screen without checking out the e-book, press your device’s back button. If the red button says “Place Hold”, the title is checked out. You can provide your email address to receive a notification when the e-book has been returned and have the title automatically checked out to your account.

To access e-books you have checked out, click on the overdrive-books-icon icon at the top of the page or click on “My account” next to this icon and choose “Loans”. You can also access your holds and your wish list through “My account”.