The EMPL BookHouse Presents…!



Welcome! You have found the BookHouse, home of the Eastern Monroe Public Library’s series of cultural programs. Programs generally take place on the third or fourth Friday of each month, except for January, March, August, November and December. Admission is free and open to the public, and refreshments are available for a modest charge.

The BookHouse provides a venue for literary and musical events that are outside of the commercial and literary mainstream. Suggestions are always welcome! To suggest a BookHouse performer, or to sign up for monthly email reminders on upcoming programs, send an email to: .

Doors open at 6:30 p.m. the night of each event, and the performance will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please plan to arrive before the scheduled starting time. The BookHouse program takes place in the Edinger Community Room of Eastern Monroe Public Library, located at 1002 North 9th Street (Rt. 611 and Chipperfield Drive) in Stroudsburg. For more information call (570) 421-0800 x. 312.



Upcoming BookHouse Events

BOOKHOUSE proudly presents...

Scott Besser


Friday, April 11th, 2025 at 7:00 pm, with doors opening at 6:30 pm


Our BookHouse concerts are performed at the Eastern Monroe Public Library Hughes Building’s Edinger Community Room, located at 1002 North 9th Street (Rt. 611 and Chipperfield Drive) in Stroudsburg. Refreshments can be purchased during the event, and donations are greatly appreciated. For more information call (570) 421-0800 x.312.



Future BookHouse Events

BookHouse will tentatively present




Past Recent BookHouse Events

BookHouse proudly presented


February, 2025:

Vance Gilbert


R&B / Folk / Jazz


October, 2024:




August, 2024:

Nancy & Spencer Reed

Jazz @ the BookHouse


July, 2024:

Ekat & Phil




June, 2024:

Giacomo Gates

Ron Drotos on the piano
Evan Gregor on the bass
Jazz @ the BookHouse



May, 2024:

Slagle Rock & Sue

Pop Rock Duo – Originals and Covers


April, 2024:


Mountain Winds

Woodwind Quintet — TV Tune Hits



February, 2024:

Maxwell Kofi Donkor & Sankofa

African Drum & Dance Ensemble


October, 2023:


Samuel St. Thomas & Friends



September, 2023:


Roy Ramos

The Island Boy Tropical Show

Calypso/ReggaeHawaiian LuauSummer Classics

August, 2023:


Son Lewis



July, 2023:


Jay Smar

Traditional American Folk


June, 2023:


Sharla K

R&B, Pop, and Inspirational