Parents in the Know: Boundaries

Hughes Library 1002 North 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Parents in the Know: 4 Week Series Mondays in March starting 3/10, 2pm - 4pm – Pullen Room Parent’s in the Know is a prevention education curriculum that was developed by Pittsburgh’s Action Against Rape. This program provides information to engage caregivers in preventing child sexual abuse. In this 4-part series, we will discuss boundaries, healthy sexuality, bystander intervention, and

Health Booth: Caffeine Awareness (drop-in)

Health Booth: Caffeine Awareness Friday, March 14th, 1pm-4pm (drop-in anytime) – Hughes Lobby  Join us for a free health booth with a PA Department of Health Rep during March, National Caffeine Awareness Month. Learn about healthy caffeine intake and habits and ask any questions you might have! No appointments required, drop-in!

Parents in the Know: Healthy Sexuality

Hughes Library 1002 North 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Parents in the Know: 4 Week Series Mondays in March starting 3/10, 2pm - 4pm – Pullen Room Parent’s in the Know is a prevention education curriculum that was developed by Pittsburgh’s Action Against Rape. This program provides information to engage caregivers in preventing child sexual abuse. In this 4-part series, we will discuss boundaries, healthy sexuality, bystander intervention, and

Find Your Center: Guided Meditation w/ Luz

Hughes Library 1002 North 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Find Your Center: Guided Meditation w/ Luz Tuesday, March 18th, 2pm -- Community Room With Spring around the corner, now is season to take time for yourself to reconnect and recharge. Join Luz Gonzalez—our inspiring instructor of weekly Chair Yoga, Cardio, and Movement classes—for a grounding meditation session designed to ease stress and uplift your spirit. In this one-hour session,

Parents in the Know: Bystander Intervention

Hughes Library 1002 North 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Parents in the Know: 4 Week Series Mondays in March starting 3/10, 2pm - 4pm – Pullen Room Parent’s in the Know is a prevention education curriculum that was developed by Pittsburgh’s Action Against Rape. This program provides information to engage caregivers in preventing child sexual abuse. In this 4-part series, we will discuss boundaries, healthy sexuality, bystander intervention, and

Parents in the Know: Online Safety

Hughes Library 1002 North 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA, United States

Parents in the Know: 4 Week Series Mondays in March starting 3/10, 2pm - 4pm – Pullen Room Parent’s in the Know is a prevention education curriculum that was developed by Pittsburgh’s Action Against Rape. This program provides information to engage caregivers in preventing child sexual abuse. In this 4-part series, we will discuss boundaries, healthy sexuality, bystander intervention, and