Google Docs for Beginners (Tech Thursday Class)

Hughes Library 1002 North 9th Street, Stroudsburg

Embark on your journey into document creation with 'Google Docs for Beginners.' Google Docs is a free and user-friendly web-based application. Learn how to effortlessly create and edit text documents directly in your web browser, eliminating the need for additional, paid software. Discover the collaborative features that make Google Docs a powerful tool for individuals and teams alike. Whether you're

Smithfields Omnivorous Readers Book Club via Zoom

The Smithfields Library Branch’s Omnivorous Readers Bookclub (ORB) is alive and well!  The book theme for this month is yet to be determined. An email invitation with the Zoom link will be sent out before the meeting. If you are not currently a member of the club but would like to join us, call 570-223-1881 or send an email to